I would hate to take your time with the usual expressions of lament... The inexorable assault of commercial culture, dwindling appreciation for crafts, and the unrealistic expectations and pressures over women's figure have all been upon us for a while.
As much as I hate poetry, I think the piece here makes the point in a superb fashion!
Bombarded with iPads and numerous other consumer fads, this summer might be a great time to retreat and enjoy a therapeutic knitting, beading or cross-stitching project. At the end of the day, what you have in your hands would definitely be less cancerous than a pair of brand new perky boobs...
The Handcraft Loving Academic Mommy
In days gone by,
a work like mine
Would have admirers
all in line.
No more are home arts
Prized like rubies,
Today we must have
perky boobies
Lisa Borgnes,
Los Angeles, 2000
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